modo 601 and ZBrush 4R2 test
Modeled the Danzig skull in ZBrush and brought it into the latest version of Modo to test the cell shader renderer.
Modeled the Danzig skull in ZBrush and brought it into the latest version of Modo to test the cell shader renderer.
This blog is an outlet for my own personal visual experimentation.
DierveK is my name Kev Reid backwards.
The reason I use DierveK?
Enter my full name “Kevin Reid” in google… you will get over one million results and I’m very rarely on the front page.
now try Kev Reid… nicely my site is normally the first result in google, but oddly there are over eight million results.
So there are a lot of us Kevin & Kev Reid’s out there.
But only one DierveK as far as I know.
Built an atomic bomb this weekend.
read up on the first atomic bomb test if you’re not familiar it’s kind of interesting.
The Gadget