AI Video animation Exploration
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In Los Alamos New Mexico you can find this memorial of Dr. Oppenheimer & Gen. Groves. It’s about a block away from Oppenheimer’s Manhattan Project home. The whole block is maintained by the National Parks Service.
Scattered throughout the rolling grasslands of America are many historic forgotten sites from the Cold War. ICBM development during 50s and 60s was quick with breakneck iterations of designs so these launch facilities were often obsolete by the time they were completed and put into service.
A photogrammetry scan from Camp George West in Golden Colorado. There was no editing in any external 3D program so another raw scan. I’m still getting my sea legs with photogrammetry and I think the results are better than my first photo scan of the smaller older cannon . Don’t know what type of cannon this is?
Created in RealityCapture by Capturing Reality from 281 images in 00h:59m:33s.
A photogrammetry scan from Camp George West in Golden Colorado. This time of a small building. No editing in any external 3D program. For this I was testing Reality Captures point cloud optimization. Went from over 1.1M faces to 100k faces. There is some noticeable loss of resolution at 100k if you zoom in close enough but other than that not too bad. It would be a nice if you could highlight the areas that you would like more detail in Reality Capture.
Here are some other scans from Camp George West. Cannon at Camp George West v1 test The Other Cannon at Camp George West
Created in RealityCapture by Capturing Reality from 143 images in 00h:19m:02s.