The Echolenz Project

Welcome to the Echolenz project. I have owned various 360 cameras over the past ten or so years and have taken many Gigs worth or footage but have largely never posted/shared any of that content. Much of it in truth is garbage but some of it I think is worth sharing with the world. One of the things I like to do with a 360 camera is match a shot from either a historical photo or scene from a film or TV show. I’ve shot a number of them some are good and some well let’s not talk about them. I did build a wordpress website to host these 360s but the 360 plugin broke so I’m currently looking for a workaround, so this page is kind of a place holder. Also if you are someone interested in compositing/editing content in 360 or staging a shot for compositing I’m happy to help.

Testing Boris fx Optics 2022

Okay I’ve learned with this filter system like most things it’s good to start with good source material
so an already well shot photo or image is necessary. This will not make a bad photo or image amazing.

What do you think a little HGH and anabolic steroids for Gangs of New York II

You can quickly iterate and get interesting results with Boris fx Optics 2022.

Breaking Bad cooking location To’Hajiilee Google Street View

Took a trip with my brother a few years ago (2014ish oh here is the post) to ABQ to see some breaking bad filming locations. around 2016 I happened to once again be in ABQ, this time with a 360 photo camera and free time so I decided to take some shots of the Breaking Bad cooking location.

I wanted to try to match a shot from the show and composite Walt, Jesse and the RV. I wanted to do something like this for some time and thought about the problems and possible best practices.  Matching a shot is tricky for a number of reasons some of the big ones being: matching the location of the camera, the lens of the camera and lighting. Say you found the precise location and height of the camera it still wont match perfectly because of the difference in lenses. As for the lighting, you could shoot at the same time of day as when they filmed but it’s a different day of the year from when they filmed so the sun will be in a different location. On top of all that they might digitally alter the background in post production and there is no way I can think of matching that outside of recreating that digital work.

So with that in mind finding the shot you would like to match I thought it would be best to use a nice wide shot and note the time of day when it was shot from the shadows. This was my first attempt at doing this, it’s not perfect but I think the end results were not that bad. I had posted this as a 360 photo back in 2016 but I had a database problem last year and lost that post so I’m now reposting it. This time I’m using Google Street view. Hopefully it’s not conceded a violation.

Photogrammetry: Building at Camp George West

by DierveK

A photogrammetry scan from Camp George West in Golden Colorado. This time of a small building. No editing in any external 3D program. For this I was testing Reality Captures point cloud optimization. Went from over 1.1M faces to 100k faces. There is some noticeable loss of resolution at 100k if you zoom in close enough but other than that not too bad. It would be a nice if you could highlight the areas that you would like more detail in Reality Capture.
Here are some other scans from Camp George West. Cannon at Camp George West v1 test The Other Cannon at Camp George West
Created in RealityCapture by Capturing Reality from 143 images in 00h:19m:02s.

Oculus VR + Unity 3D Experiment Zero

Finally got around to building something for the Oculus Rift VR unit in Unity 3D. I decided on building something simple that could also be used as a proof of concept. One of the great things about VR is that you can get a truer sense of scale for objects that you can never get from say a photo or video. So I’m thinking it would be a no brainier for an art gallery or museum to put some of their collection up in a virtual environment.

If you have an Oculus Rift VR unit you can download this Gallery demo here:
Win 64bit version:
Win 32bit version: Gallery-32bit-demo
Linux version: Gallery-demo-linux

If you do not have the Oculus but would like to view the demo on your monitor you can download here:

This is early simple stuff, running off of the developers kit so the current resolution is limited to around 1280px×800px. However sometime next year a 1080P(1920×1080px) consumer version will be released.

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The Oculus Rift VR Development Kit

I received this week the Oculus Rift VR development Kit. For those who may be unfamiliar with the Oculus Rift. It’s basically a head mounted virtual reality device that actually works.
the reason I say “actually works” is that, some of you may remember the hype surrounding VR in the early 90s, unfortunately the idea was ahead of the technology back then. However 20 some odd years later all the technological pieces are now in place for this to be a viable media platform.

Syfy channel twitters my Sonic Disruptor

Thanks Syfy this can only enhance my geekiness, don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing?

And here is the disruptor in the hands sharpshooter Annie Oakley.