This video has won YouTube.

All other videos are now pointless. This man has won Youtube and there is nothing you are I can do about it.

Time Displacement 1894 to 2009

Play Unreal Basterds Inglourious Tournament

Unreal Basterds Inglourious Tournament

Unreal Basterds Inglourious Tournament

Rendered in modo 401 got the idea after seeing the Italian version of the “Inglourious Basterds” movie poster.
It reminded me of the cover art for “Unreal Tournament”

Golden Hearts





Old model updated in modo 401

The DierveK Lemon Amp

modeled & rendered in modo 401

modeled & rendered in modo 401

Leopard print Prince guitar with round amp.

Furry leopard print Prince guitar with round amp. (WIP)

Furry Prince Symbol Guitar (WIP)

Furry Prince Symbol Guitar

I handmade the leopard print texture in photoshop It’s a work in progress.
Built and rendered in Modo 401

Analog Rotary Mobile Phones

anolog rotary cell phones
anolog rotary cell phone

Been learning  Modo over the past couple of months.
3Ds Max you are so yesterday!

1st Modo project test.

firts modo project

My first modo modeling and rendering. pulled original roman texture from a photo i took at the MFA.

Shamrock Robot

Shamrock Robot

Shamrock Robot

Test Gadget

Built an atomic bomb this weekend.
read up on the first atomic bomb test if you’re not familiar it’s kind of interesting.

The Gadget

The Gadget
