Oculus VR + Unity 3D Experiment Zero

Finally got around to building something for the Oculus Rift VR unit in Unity 3D. I decided on building something simple that could also be used as a proof of concept. One of the great things about VR is that you can get a truer sense of scale for objects that you can never get from say a photo or video. So I’m thinking it would be a no brainier for an art gallery or museum to put some of their collection up in a virtual environment.

If you have an Oculus Rift VR unit you can download this Gallery demo here:
Win 64bit version: http://diervek.com/dl/Gallery-demo-v1
Win 32bit version: Gallery-32bit-demo
Linux version: Gallery-demo-linux

If you do not have the Oculus but would like to view the demo on your monitor you can download here:
http://diervek.com/dl/Gallery demo-flat-v1.zip

This is early simple stuff, running off of the developers kit so the current resolution is limited to around 1280px×800px. However sometime next year a 1080P(1920×1080px) consumer version will be released.

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One week later…

Mold has taken over.

The Oculus Rift VR Development Kit

I received this week the Oculus Rift VR development Kit. For those who may be unfamiliar with the Oculus Rift. It’s basically a head mounted virtual reality device that actually works.
the reason I say “actually works” is that, some of you may remember the hype surrounding VR in the early 90s, unfortunately the idea was ahead of the technology back then. However 20 some odd years later all the technological pieces are now in place for this to be a viable media platform.

Old Stuff Vol:2

More self initiated illustrations from 06/07
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Too Many Pens

Small project to familiarize myself with Modo’s instance and particle systems.

Old Stuff Vol:1

When I first started the Diervek project back around 06/07 I used Live-Journal to host my work. Seeing how that work is largely dead to the world on those servers I’ve been wanting to post some of the more interesting images here. So what you see below are mostly ink drawings modified in Photoshop. At the time these were made I was working heavily in 3D design at my day job, so in my spare time I drew a lot in ink and experimented in mediums other than 3D.

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Project 77sevens High Angle Photos Part: 1

This is an old project that I have been meaning to repost here in a full collection. Back around 2007 I built a giant 16 FT mono-pod to use with a SLR digital Canon Rebel camera. I built the mono pod using PVC tubing reinforced with 4 FT wooden dowel sections for flexible reinforcement, all in all it cost about $15.00 to build. Durring 2007 & 08 I took it around Boston and used it for the photos you see below.

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ZBrush to modo test

Testing Zbrush edge loops for hard surface modeling and seeing how well they transfer to modo. It does a fine job at cutting irregular shapes although the poly count is still somewhat high
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Quad Copter Stuff


Lost control of my Phantom quad copter sending it to a ridiculous height and it took this photo.

modo 601 and ZBrush 4R2 test

















Modeled the Danzig skull in ZBrush and brought it into the latest version of Modo to test the cell shader renderer.